Sunday, October 21, 2007

So, I wrote my sermon mostly with real live pen on paper as I sat on Hattie Gandhi's beautifully patchworked bedspread in her student room in Cardiff...and it was an infinitely smoother process than being here with all my props around me and the lure of the internet only a mouse click away. Mind you, I couldn't have finished it without reading Paul's thoughts (or without an encouraging chat with Songbird along the way)...Moderation in all things, I guess. I just wish I could exercise more self control over online temptations. Have you discovered the rice game yet? Good news for some (assuming that the site is as good as its word - I haven't actually checked credentials) but for a procrastinating curate, I'm not so sure...
3,900 grains on Friday....
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go and see ;-)


  1. Uh, oh...started reading your post, got distracted at the mention of the rice game. An hour and 4610 grains later, I'm back. I am done-for. It's fun, it's educational AND for a good cause. And I am so in need of escape these days. I think we're in big trouble!

  2. I need to 'not click' don't I? So tempting, but no, I must resist...

    Woefully behind on blog reading, hope you're fully back to health now.

  3. I will resist the rice. I will resist the rice.
    But can't resist the encouraging chats, and won't!
    It is a good and refreshing change to write on paper again from time to time, and I'm glad you had that experience.

  4. glad my rambles were of help....

    ps, the rice caused chaos!


Since there's been a troll fol de rolling his way about the blog recently, I've had to introduce comment moderation for a while. Hope this doesn't deter genuine responses...