One flock and one
What a wonderful
Specially on a morning
like this, when the fluffy lambs are gambolling on new-sprung
grass...the stuff of rural idylls.
But, you know, sheep
aren't always picturesque!
Having lived in the Cotswolds for many years, I have a good few sheep stories.
Have you ever
tried to get even one stray sheep to go back where it belongs?
I vividly remember spending the best part of an hour failing to herd a
trio of errant Jacobs back through the gap in the hedge through which
they had clearly broken out not long before. They somehow seemed
intent on scattering in far more than just three directions...refused
to follow one another tidily...And I longed for a wise collie to nip
them round the ankles and tell them where to go. It was raining, of
course – and by the time I had slipped and slithered in mud, got
scratched on brambles, and stung by a large crop of nettles, I think I had but one thought in my head:
Tell me honestly, - if
Jesus had asked you first, would you have chosen to be
classed as a sheep?
They aren't very
glamorous, are they?
Nor startlingly
They aren't even
particularly colourful or graceful.
With the whole of
creation to choose from – why, oh why, did Jesus decide to use the
metaphor of shepherd and flock to describe his care for humanity?
I'd really much prefer
not to be a sheep, if it's all the same to Him.
But nonetheless, that
image of “one flock, one shepherd” resonates with all that is in
Could it ever really happen?
It feels like a distant
dream when we look at a broken Church and our poor hurting world, so
bitterly divided by faith, and by doubt.
Small wonder that many decent, compassionate people have turned away from what they see as the strictures of organised religion...claiming that it lies at the root of so much that is truly dreadful.
Small wonder that many decent, compassionate people have turned away from what they see as the strictures of organised religion...claiming that it lies at the root of so much that is truly dreadful.
Every news bulletin
seems to carry fresh news of atrocities committed by ISIS...and we
must resist the temptation to see this as a one-way process, to
assume that Christians are always the good guys, always the victims.
Think Northern Ireland
– or if you prefer, just a few centuries earlier, think Crusades,
the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem witch hunts.
We don't really need
much excuse to inflict pain on one another.
Being human and being
humane are often very very different things – in the same way that
being Christian and being Christ-like are not always identical.
And yet...and yet...the
good shepherd declares with everything that he says and everything
that he does, that we are, after all, worth bothering with.
And he doesn't draw
demarcation lines. He lays down his life for the sheep – whatever
fold they claim to belong to. After centuries of believing
themselves to be God's chosen people, the impact of this on Israel
was deeply shocking.
As shocking, perhaps,
as it might be for us to glimpse for a moment the truth that God
doesn't love the Christian victims of the persecuted church any more
than he loves their aggressors
Isn't that scandalous?
Even wolves in sheep's
clothing are included.
One flock, one shepherd.
That good shepherd
knows each of his sheep...searches them and knows them, the secrets
of their hearts, their struggles, their hopes, their wounds and their
Knows them – and YET
- loves them.
Knows me – knows you
– and yet...keeps on loving.
And lays down his life
– to show that ALL are equally loveable...
You see, love is a
universal language, that all can understand.
“I have other sheep
that do not belong to this fold. I must bring them also and they will
listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd”
They will listen
because that language of love transcends faith and culture. Does
not depend on good behaviour.Cannot be bought or earned.It is,
always, a free gift. God's grace poured out in wild extravagance and
made clear to us at that moment when Jesus, on the cross, draws all
people to himself.
ALL people.
Not just the good, those trying to be holy,
Not just the people
with whom we would enjoy sharing a sheepfold
ALL people
One flock, one
And yes – we do need
to learn to hear his voice...And that voice will be calling us to
have larger hearts, to pray blessings on those whom we cannot
understand, those whom we fear, those whom we are sure that we cannot
be called to like. to follow ways of greater love.
But, though we need to
hear his voice, the salvation that we find in no-one else is not
We're talking grace and
not works here.
We can't earn God's
We can't forfeit it.
If the most brutal
terrorist had, by some quirk of creation, turned out to be the only
human being born in this world – Christmas and Easter would still
have happened just for him.
Salvation found only in
Jesus but freely offered to all of us– no matter what flock we
think we belong to.
So – perhaps on
balance it's not so bad being a sheep.
Though, before I
finish, if I may I'll share with you the creature I would really like
to be.
Recently someone told
me that it always makes them think of an Emperor penguin, protecting
a chick.
So – I want to be a
penguin! A penguin for Jesus!
I want to nestle
between the feet of the One who loves me and will never let me down.
I want to stand where
He stands – and so see the world with His eyes of love, as I listen
to His voice and hear him call my name.