Saturday, February 13, 2016

"And learn to be your people" Part 2

Our journey began in the desert of repentance.
A place where we can focus on who we are and who God wants us to be. 
Repentance means facing both who we are and who God wants us to be...recognising the gap between and asking God to help you work on bridging it.

Take time to reflect on this and write something in the sand for which you want God's forgiveness...then smooth out the sand and know that as you do so God forgives and frees you.

A pilgrimage of prayer
Don't try to change the world and become a super-spiritual being overnight. It won't happen and you'll just get frustrated and disappointed with yourself. Forget about praying every single monastic Office. Believe me, you won't.
But maybe commit to spending time with God at an odd moment of every day...washing your teeth....going through your bedroom door...In that moment, thank God for his presence with you and ask him to help you to long to spend more time with him, day by day.
And here and now, pray for the grace to keep a holy Lent - and pray for whatever God places on your heart too.

Fasting....not to make ourselves thinner or healthier but to increase our sense of dependence on God...part of the process of stripping away everything that doesn't actually matter....
Reflect on the things that you depend might be family and might be car or mobile might be anything....even things that are good in themselves....take a stone for each one...choose to put it down at the foot of the cross...and ask God to help you order your priorities so that you come to recognise your real dependence on him.

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