Wednesday, September 22, 2004

A very good friend who is currently enjoying life with infant hamsters suggested that it was time I updated this...but the question is, what would anyone really want to hear about? This is my day naturally it began with an assembly at the infants' school just over the road from the church...A new head arrived this term, and is very busy building bridges with us, which is truly wonderful, as it's not a church school and her predecessor kept us firmly at arm's length. Since my regular day in the village school was a highlight of my pre-ordination life, it's excellent to be really welcome in a similar happy and purposeful environment, and I'm spending an hour a week being totally un-churchy and throwing paint around with assorted reception children.Today I heard one of the staff, not part of the regular Sunday congregation, say to a parent "That's our curate..." and was so chuffed by that "our"...Lovely to feel an accepted part of things :-) The Assembly went OK ; an interactive narration of Noah, with the children providing sound effects for ark-building and rain falling...They even stopped when I needed them to, bless them :-)


  1. It's always seemed to be one of the oddities of the ordained person's life that their day off is during the week - and that some people can never understand that it's a day off. It's often "Oh, the curate's day off is Wednesday so she'll be free for a meeting" :-)

    Glad to hear, though, that your church is forging links like these to the community. Very important for parish churches, I feel.

    pax et bonum

  2. sounds wonderful! how can you possibly think we wouldn't want to hear about it! it's so good to hear that at least some of the curates bridge-building life is actually fun!

  3. You're all very kind, so purring gently I will go on my way rejoicing, and promise to keep in touch :-)

  4. Please do blog regularly love, I delight in catching up with everyone and hey if we all applied the "but I've got nothing particulr to say" critique it would a very quiet blogworld wouldn't it!

    Nothing I hate more than clicking a blog only to find for the 7th day running it hasn't been updated...

    So Blog, Blog, Blog - for there are willing readers waiting :-)

  5. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Thanks!! I think Ill return in the near future


Since there's been a troll fol de rolling his way about the blog recently, I've had to introduce comment moderation for a while. Hope this doesn't deter genuine responses...