Saturday, October 23, 2004

There will now be a short intermission

in this rivetting blog, so that you can all give your magnolia emulsion the attention it deserves, while the curate's family (which is also good in parts) flees to a narrow-boat. Have just realised that both Maggi and I will have spent our holidays close to canals...but somehow the industrial heritage of the greater Birmingham area seems a little less alluring than that of the Doges .Never mind! The first installment of family departed this morning, and report that the boat is fine but there is so much water in the system that we will only be allowed to venture in one direction...the weirs cannot apparently cope. After a truly hideous journey to and from Bristol today, which featured a kamikaze deer and a wrecked front indicator, I'm not sure said weirs are the only ones not coping. However, young Giles is safely back from his Duke of Edinburgh expedition to Exmoor, my saintly Vicar is dog and cat sitting, the wonderful public library has lent me 20 assorted volumes for light reading and we packed a case of red wine into the volvo this it can just get on and rain if it has to. I'm on HOLIDAY :-)


  1. Have a great time. Whatever you've done - or not done. You deserve it.

  2. Have a fab time...and tell us all about it when you return :-)

  3. Hope the weather is better for you than it is here. Have a lovely refreshing time. :0)

  4. hope it's totally fab. :)

  5. You are all was the holiday. Will tell All later...meanwhile, the domestic mountain needs scaling :-)


Since there's been a troll fol de rolling his way about the blog recently, I've had to introduce comment moderation for a while. Hope this doesn't deter genuine responses...