Monday, June 20, 2005

Another one of those meme things!

This one courtesy of Urban Army concerns one of my great passions....books.

Number of books I own….substantially fewer than this time last year, when we disposed of 14 boxes, with much wailing and gnashing of teeth, before decamping from rambling Fleming house to compact and tidy Curatage. Despite this ruthless purge, the removal firm still complained that they’d never moved so manybooks before. We now have 2 bookcases full of children’s books lurking in the bedroom over A's workshop at our old house, most of my English Lit type reading (multiple boxes again) awaiting L’s departure to uni, in a safe corner of the loft, and the remainder, mostly fiction, poetry and, inevitably, theology, lining about 120 feet of shelving and sprawling on most other flat surfaces around the place.
And, guess what, I was given a £25 book token only on Saturday!! :-)

Last Book I bought: The Mermaid Chair: Sue Monk Kidd (everyone else seems to be reading and recommending it….but I’m saving it for the family holiday)

Last Book I read:
Living on the Borders of the Holy: L William Countryman

Books that mean a lot to me: oh, how to choose what to tell you about?

Palgrave’s Golden Treasury…from which my parents used to read me a bedtime poem when I was very young

The Chronicles of Narnia

Vincent Donovan: Christianity Rediscovered

The English Poems of George Herbert

The Donkey’s Tale: Margaret Gray

The Showings of Julian of Norwich

Linnets and Valerians : Elizabeth Goudge

Persuasion: Jane Austen…
and of course the list could go on and on and on…varying with times and seasons.

Tag 5 others…

Who’d like to play, then?? How about you 5
One Pedestrian
Hopeful Amphibian
Maggi (yes, I know you haven’t really got time: look on it as end of term therapy)
Mary ?
You know you'd enjoy it really. Alternatively, draw yourselves up to your full height and announce righteously that you don't do chain letters, and I'll probably retire crushed ;-)


  1. I'm still a big advocate for Percy the park keeper!! Thanks for taking up the challenge!!

  2. Gordon, I'm in no way intending to diminish the impact of P the PK, I promise you. Have quite a sort spot for him myself,though he only really arrived in time for my youngest. Since we have some close family friends with this surname, the conclusion to "One Stormy Night" always brought the house down...
    "and a little to spare....for a mole!"

  3. t'other Caroline says, oh okay, if I must. prepare to be associated with the great unwashed of literateure....and anyway, you can't retire, you're far too young, and you're in a vocation, not a job, you'll be doing weddings and funerals til the day you, um, stop offering to locum for pocket money.

  4. :o)

    I've yet to read "One Stormy Night" so i'd better hurry up before our youngest moves on to J. Wilson!

  5. oooh I'm going to have to think about this...

    Though answers are unlikely to be as impressive!

  6. What, no Percy the Parkkeeper at ALL???

  7. BTW,
    to comment from a comment on another blog,
    we value you as well dear Kathryn.

  8. well..i did a totally unscientific sample and it seems to average 12 hardbacks or 23 paperbacks to a foot...Does that help, ppb?

  9. oh, I dunno Mark. Think of a number and double it, or something...I haven't a clue either. Too many to count would be acceptable as well..


Since there's been a troll fol de rolling his way about the blog recently, I've had to introduce comment moderation for a while. Hope this doesn't deter genuine responses...