Saturday, August 06, 2005


This blog has survived for one whole year.
In that time I've cheerfully spent many hours I don't have wittering into cyber-space, met some truly splendid people across the world, been inspired to think in new ways about different topics,- and I still haven't completed my expenses form for the Treasurer.
Maybe next year???
Meanwhile, thanks for your company, any/everyone!


  1. hmm, me thinks there's a sermon writing session being avoided...I'm just very very glad you use your time and writing skills on here instead!

  2. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Jack the Lass posted on my relatively infant blog the other day:
    "I... think you'll be amazed at how much *your* blog comes to mean to other people, whom you may or may not have met. It soon becomes bigger than you just blogging for yourself :)"
    How true! And what a remarkable phenomenon this whole blogging business is.... how is the sermon, incidentally?

  3. There you are...I told you I had met some wonderful people.They even have clairvoyant powers,- except that I've FINISHED IT. And it's only just after midnight (including time for hearing traveller's tales from Scout Camp returner ;-) )

  4. Congratulations on your year! I'm glad to have discovered your blog, and maybe one day we'll get to meet in "real" reality.


  5. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Oh well done Kathryn. I So enjoy your blog. It feeds me, challenges me, and it makes me laugh too.

    I was reading your comments too - over on the blog where they are discussing the discernment process in different denominations. Fascinating stuff. Couldn't comment though, as I don't have a blogger account. Grrrrrr. LOL

    be blessed :)

  6. A whole year? Wow. Happy anniversary!

  7. many happy returns

  8. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Happy blogiversary!

  9. That's great! Keep it up, I really enjoy getting your perspective from the UK.

  10. congrats, and thanks for all the smiles and tears (and encouraging comments)

  11. Raising a glass to you hon!

  12. Congrats! So glad to have met you through your blog, and can't wait to meet in person!

  13. Happy anniversary, Kathryn!

  14. Anonymous9:36 PM

    As a random (and housebound)representative lurker, many thanks for all you give me through your blog. I read quite a few but on the days when i feel down yours is the one I turn to first for warmth, humour and humanity.

    Happy anniversary!

  15. You are all far too kind, and the pleasure is truly mine. Hugs all round :-)


Since there's been a troll fol de rolling his way about the blog recently, I've had to introduce comment moderation for a while. Hope this doesn't deter genuine responses...