Saturday, April 08, 2006

Totally unscientific...

test of true friendship, as encountered at A Church for Starving Artists

You call a friend at 3 in the morning and say, "There's a dead naked man on my kitchen floor and I need you."
True Friend says, "I'll be right over."
Not: "Who is he?" Not: "Why is he in your kitchen?" Not: "What time is it?"
"I'll be right over."

Pondering this, I realise that I'm blessed in knowing several women (that's interesting, they are all women) whom I'm confident fit into this category. Thank you all for being part of my life. The phone's on my side of the bed, should you ever need to make that call...


  1. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I can't promise I won't take you up on the offer although 3am does seem a little excessive! Thank you for being a true friend.

  2. actually i am kind of hoping that one day you'll make that call.... ;)
    make it my mobile tho, the bedroom phone is turned off!

  3. Now if it was a live naked man..........well, you have my number! ;-)

  4. lol
    Down, FB, down!

  5. Promise if I ever have one, you'll be the first one I long as he is dead..if he is still alive, I'll manage on my own thanks.....

  6. laughing at the comments.

    Kathryn you are GREAT


Since there's been a troll fol de rolling his way about the blog recently, I've had to introduce comment moderation for a while. Hope this doesn't deter genuine responses...