Monday, March 12, 2007


We've been having issues with the internet of late (some of which may be resolved by a switch of service provider that was accomplished today) so I couldn't get online yesterday...hence failure to post the LLLL action.
It was all too watch the news and pray about what you see
I don't, somehow, imagine that anyone will mind if you transfer your prayers to another day...indeed (revolutionary thought looming) you might consider praying every time you watch the news. Heaven knows, there's nothing that doesn't need it (including, of course, the imminent cricket disaster which will make the GoodinParts menfolk deeply miserable in the days ahead).
What with Trident, a parliamentary debate on global warming, the first shooting at a UK university and the on-going nightmare that is Iraq, there's no shortage of topics.

Computer issues aside, yesterday was a bit of a roller coaster. Hattie Gandhi blew in to return my car, bringing joy with her presence, and a strangely empty feeling when she'd gone. Presiding at 8.00 was as wonderful as, at the other end of the day, was Koinonia.
Last night we combined some Youth Emmaus material with some of the many faces of Jesus from The Christ we Share.This is such a good resource. (If you don't know it, it's a collection of images of Christ from many cultures and contexts - some cosily familiar, some so disturbing it's all but impossible to look at them, and many challenging and stimulating in between) Every time I use it, I'm excited by the ways in which it prompts people to explore and talk about their beliefs. It's very rare for people to choose the same picture as their favourite - I always offer to photocopy their choice, and have yet to copy the same picture twice. On reflection, I guess I don't choose the same image twice myself. For some years, this (Ralph Kozak's Laughing Christ) was my favourite but last night I was very certain that a wonderful piece by Kathy Priddis said everything I needed.
It's called The Foot Washing - but I've failed miserably to find it anywhere on the web for you, so you'll simply have to buy the pack yourselves.
When we'd spent some time discussing our choices, I asked the question
"Who do you say I am" and we sat quietly reflecting on this.
It had been a long and sometimes difficult day, but in the silence, everything resumed its right perspective.
I do love those kids.
(I'm quite fond of Jesus, too!)

1 comment:

  1. I have such a collection of pictures of Jesus which I use in school. It sparks such discussion among the pupils; I love using it. One of my favourites is Jesus behind bars (see Love the different ways he is portrayed by different people and different cultures.


Since there's been a troll fol de rolling his way about the blog recently, I've had to introduce comment moderation for a while. Hope this doesn't deter genuine responses...