Sunday, April 15, 2007

Recognition at Last!

On logging on this morning, I discovered that Liz, whose lurking presence I'd not even suspected, had been kind enough to nominate me for a Thinking Blogger Award.

I was more than a little startled by this, as I've not been the most creative or reflective blogger of late, but am duly honoured...and am now, according to the law of the universe, required to nominate 5 others for awards. This is such a challenge,not because of scarcity of candidates but, of course, because of an embarassment of riches.
When I began blog-reading, a few weeks before this blog was born in August 2004, I had no idea of the fascinating people I would encounter, and the world of ideas I'd be able to share. My life is so much richer...But choosing is invidious. Please know that for each blog name listed, I could have posted a dozen more (including yours)

1. Maggi - one of the most read "faith blogs" of all, I guess; one that inspires me regularly;one that you'll all know anyway...but heck, if Maggi isn't a thinking blogger, then I can't imagine who is!
2. Freedom Bound - - another good friend in Holy Orders, who's not afraid to tell it like it is for GLBT Christians...and whose presence in my life, and in the blogosphere reminds me of how rich an inclusive church can be
3 feig city (Oh no, not another clergy blog!) But Michael is a "pioneer missioner" whose brief is to nurture an emerging church in Gloucester City. He's also the curate at the Cathedral, and the blend of exploration and tradition which he is negotiating daily is fascinating...
4.(sorry, I can't help it...I know I should get out more, but here's another one)
A Church for Starving Artists. One representative example of why I so value my RevGalBlogPal friends in the US. Jan's context is so different to my own, but the issues are often so similar and her take on them never fails to make me think. Try this for an example
5 (At last, - she's not ordained, though definitely in ministry) Lilly's Pad - a lovely creative place to wander and ponder...Her Easter Sunday questions are typical of why reading Lilly so often sends me off to do some journalling.

Now, the idea is that recipients of an award should pass on the torch. I suspect that some of my nominees may resist this or just be too busy but here are the "official" instructions, in case they want to play along. If not, have a look at their blogs anyway. They really are places to make you think!

Here are the participation rules:

1. If you get tagged [which means your blog has been named on one of these lists of 5], write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.

2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.

3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote (silver or gold version).

1 comment:

Since there's been a troll fol de rolling his way about the blog recently, I've had to introduce comment moderation for a while. Hope this doesn't deter genuine responses...