Saturday, June 09, 2007

As you can tell...

it has been a hard, hard week!

Well, in point of fact, since I took myself and all the assorted actual and potential transitions of my life away with me, I did work quite hard, and have rarely journalled with such intensity.

As predicted, I drank in heaps of wisdom and insight from our retreat conductor, and read a seriously wonderful book, about which I'll try to blog shortly.

I also spent a long time wandering along cliff tops, sat in the sun listening to waves and sky-larks, to Dunstable and U2 , enjoyed some excellent supper-time conversations (encouraged by equally excellent wine) and generally wondered at the beauty of it all.

Huge thanks are due to A, who welcomed us all to her home with grace and generosity, to D for providing the sort of inspiration you can never have too much of, and to my other companions, who might well be on the way to becoming friends.

But mostly (if it doesn't sound too pi) to God for such a wonderful place.


  1. Kathryn,
    Welcome back.
    Sounds good - looking forward to you sharing your reflections. Hope the peace lasts for a while.

  2. Welcome back! Hope you can stash some of the extra peace for a chaotic favorite post-retreat piece of wisdom is "grace is not fragile!"

    grace and peace!

  3. It looks wonderful, so beautiful. As someone who lived in Devon for a while I was always fed stories about Cornwall not being that great a place - they were wrong!

  4. Wow - I feel refreshed just reading about it!

  5. Looking forward to being introduced to the book

    Caroline Too

  6. Welcome back! I'm interested in the book you mention.

    You can be pi if you want, it's YOUR bloggage!

    Love the pictures

  7. Welcome home! "...listening to waves and sky-larks, to Dunstable and U2" Good time, then?

    Now for something entirely off-topic. I hope you don't mind, but I've tagged you for one of those mad, confessional memes... see today's post on The Mercy Blog! Totally optional, of course...

  8. Good to see you back. Hope that that which you discovered and re-discovered while away can be applied and revelled in back home.

    I'm too good at leaving the insights of retreat there when I come back...

  9. Wow, that looks just wonderful.


Since there's been a troll fol de rolling his way about the blog recently, I've had to introduce comment moderation for a while. Hope this doesn't deter genuine responses...