Sunday, February 03, 2008

3 way pull - and then some!

It's naturally I ought to be doing various priestly things, and will indeed depart for OpenHouse very shortly...but there are other bits of life clamouring for attention too, so maybe blogging them will help me note and appreciate them.

Yes - I ought to write about Iceland. I ought to write about books (have read several tons since early January). I really really ought to write a post about something positive in my church for Sally's Gridblog (which should have gone up yesterday...but this is me, right?!)

But just for a moment I want to write about my children...because yesterday was one of those days when I realise just how shiney they can be. The problem is that I do have 3 of them - and being in 3 places at once is frankly impossible...

So, after a frantic morning of Sunday prep, Hugger Steward and I drove to Oxford where he was playing with the county flute choir in the Oxford Festival. He talked it down rather - don't bother to come in...competitive festivals are terrible things (well yes, there I'd agree, having suffered the Hastings variety all through my formative years, and bearing the scars to prove it)...and we won't be very good anyway.
Hmmmn....They were only awarded an "Outstanding" - apparently this is one grade above the exalted "Distinction"...And to think I was sitting in the car reading while it happened.
Ah well.
From Oxford it was all systems go to Cardiff, where Hattie Gandhi triumphed over her maternal genes (those which prove themselves incapable of any form of visual creativity, and struggle to engage in even basic needlework) to produce a stunning set of costumes for a student production of "Wyrd Sisters". The show was splendid - really great entertainment - but I was mostly stunned that a child of mine could actually have the vision and the skill for this kind of project. I love the way children keep on surprising their parents :-)

If I had been able to manage a 3 way split, I could also have spent the afternoon hearing the Dufflepud and many of the St M's choristers sing with a mass choir for the RSCM regional service - at which the Dufflepud was given his Bishop's Chorister award - with distinction- and 3 other young choristers from St M's also covered themselves with glory..I do hate it when I can't do everything - but I should be used to it by now, really.

It was only when telling a friend about all this after church today that I really realised how special it was to have 3 things like that to celebrate in a single afternoon. Please forgive the proud mother post - every now and then, I do need to enjoy those children of mine!


  1. Congratulations to your three stars - and to their mother, of course!

  2. You are very right to be the proud mum. I say the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree.


Since there's been a troll fol de rolling his way about the blog recently, I've had to introduce comment moderation for a while. Hope this doesn't deter genuine responses...