Sunday, December 21, 2008

Just so's you know

I seem to have accomplished a healthy selection from my To Do list

Church tree decorated (mostly by my splendid sons, though the tree itself was the gift of a no less splendid parishioner)

Home tree purchased and decorated (thank God for a posse of my children and 2 much loved extras, who did most of the work), Crib erected and wreath affixed

Crib service planned and printed

"Given in memory" cards printed and candles sorted and ready

Carolling in pubs on the hill (an innovation) and in the valley(a tradition) achieved with great enthusiasm in both places

All school carol services done and dusted - with no children set alight in the process

Benefice Carol service also done and dusted - and twice as many people appeared as had been expected, based on previous years. We had a lovely full church, a good sprinkling of younger families (and 2 under 18s read lessons...The way in which S, who is 11, broke into the silence with the news
"The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light" is a memory that I plan to keep and ponder ...And I only cried a little bit. It would be wonderful if by next year we could have a children's choir in place: the music at Church in the Valley might one day recover its former glory, and that would be Good News All Round...

All but 3 of my Home Communions acocmplished

Mary & Joseph safely through most of their journey, and now lodged in the inn tonight, prior to two last homes, as they head back to church for the Crib Service

Domestically, of course, more is undone than sorted. The briefly tidy study is now an overwhelming confusion of paper, cardboard boxes and almost undisguisable shapes. One day I will have to wrap them. February, perhaps? I need to sort out an e-card, because while it might be fine to say that I'm going to be virtual for most people this year, a virtual virtual card might seem to be taking the micky just a little...
I've still got a funeral address, and orders of service for Midnight and Christmas morning to sort out....and busy busy days ahead...but the warmth of the crowd in the pub this evening, and the smiles of the congregation as they said Goodnight after the Carol service persuade me that we might be going somewhere together.

1 comment:

  1. I forget how I found your blog...I think via Paul Chambers...anyways,am enjoying reading it! Carolling in the pub sounds like a fun thing to do at Christmastime...kind of reminds me of an episode of Heartbeat!! ( we do get Heartbeat in Canada!!) God Bless and Merry Christmas. I know this is a busy time of year for you clergy!!


Since there's been a troll fol de rolling his way about the blog recently, I've had to introduce comment moderation for a while. Hope this doesn't deter genuine responses...