Sunday, February 01, 2009

To the font

In our prayers we remember the words of Simeon
'Lord, now you have kept your promise,
Let me, your servant, leave this earth in peace.
I have seen the salvation you promised with my own eyes.
He will be a light to bring light to everyone
And he will show us your glory'.

We thank God for the light of faith – and ask God to bless the Church across the world, and each one of us as we try to follow Jesus

We thank God for the light of hope – and ask that God will transform those places and situations in the world that are most dark and sad.

We thank God for the light of love – and ask that God’s love will shine to comfort all those who need it most…the sad, the lonely, the sick and the fearful

We thank God for Jesus, the light of the world, who came to show us the way to God and walks beside us every day

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We stand near the place of new birth.
Let us shine with the light of your love.
We turn from the Crib to the cross
Let us shine with the light of your love.
We go to carry his light.
Let us shine with the light of your love.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. Candlemas is so wonderful and I wish we celebrated it more often here. Our "lower church" parishes don't seem to observe a lot of these feast days, although here at the seminary and in NYC in general there were observances.


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