Wednesday, October 07, 2009

I do love Augustine

Last Sunday's Common Worship Collect (Trinity 17) was based on his words
"You have made us for yourself and our hearts are weary til they find their rest in you"...
Tonight, the Herring of Christ (TM) and I spent some time planning a healing service for St Luke's Day, - and along the way were reminded of this rather perfect prayer.
I know several people for whom I might pray it tonight...

Watch now, dear Lord,
with those who wake

Or watch or weep tonight
And give your angels charge
over those who sleep.

Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ,

rest your weary ones,

bless your dying ones,

Soothe your suffering ones,

pity your afflicted ones,

shield your joyous ones,

and all for your love's sake.


  1. I love that prayer - I believe that in the American church, they say it as the last collect at Evening prayer, instead of the Lighten our Darkness. If I am taking an evening service, I often do both prayers before the final blessing, requiring the congregation to join in with the Lighten our Darkness. But we don't have any evening services in our Circuit these days.

  2. This one is getting printed out to go on the table where I usually say my bedtime prayers.

    Thank you.

    (Word verification is "booty". No comment.)

  3. In the US it's one of the optional prayers near the end of compline:

    Slightly more olde worlde flavour to it (which I prefer :)

  4. I like parts of Augustine, but not his obsession with sin.

  5. I particularly like the line "shield your joyous ones."

    I vaguely remember reading a snippet or two from Augustine many years ago. That's probably the way it will stay! My brain is very soft and fuzzy these days.


Since there's been a troll fol de rolling his way about the blog recently, I've had to introduce comment moderation for a while. Hope this doesn't deter genuine responses...