Sunday, November 22, 2009

Not really sure if I should blog this....

My to do list for the coming week looks something like this (which is why I'm a great fan of Justin's book though I need to do some work on applying it...)

  • Plan address for Monday funeral
  • Contact family of next week’s funeral
  • Produce publicity for Christingle & distribute via schools
  • Sort Christingle service
  • Write letter to supermarket requesting discount oranges for Christingle
  • Check curate is happy to do Christingle talk (notice a common theme emerging here?)
  • Write December letter, What’s On & other bits for parish mag

    • Email curate re green audit of Valley Church in response to his concern raised at LAST PCC
    • Reflect and pray over PCC agenda for Tuesday & prepare whatever else is necessary

    • Plan address for Wednesday funeral (a tricky one – I REALLY wasn’t ready to say Goodbye to this lady)
    • Plan Wednesday assembly
    • Chase electrician for church hall
    • Return phonecall of lady wanting to book hall for party
    • [Consider who I can ask to take on oversight of church hall] (A hopeful appeal to the PCC netted a very sensible term time solution, but I'm not sure that having two routes to hall bookings, depending on the time of year, is likely to be hugely successful...Still need to think on this)
    • Ask men’s committee to place second notice board in hall entrance so the church isn’t constantly advertising children’s discos & Nearly New clothes sales
    • Produce publicity for December services in both churches
    • Produce Christmas card advertising services for delivery to every house on the hill
    • Check all is OK with Advent Sunday service
    • Write Advent Sunday sermon
    • Read & respond to papers for Thursday meeting at Church House
    • Read papers & prepare for Governors’ meeting
    • Write up PTA meeting and confirm that new Secretary is truly happy to BE Secretary
    • Fix date to go in to school to spend day with Reception
    • Visit assorted poorly parishioners in hospital and at home
    • Prepare & lead School Advent service
    • Meet with diocesan missioner to consider priorities for Valley Church in the light of parish snapshot
    • Phone round to fix home Communions that are overdue
    • Phone round to fix visits to bereaved that are overdue

    • Do October & November expenses (oh dear...they are ALWAYS due)
    Fortunately I also get to preside at the Eucharist twice,
    To walk my lovely dogs as often as I possibly can
    And to have supper with a good friend

    It’s possible, therefore, that I might make it to the weekend unscathed…………Specially if I remember to pray! 

    eta It's ~Monday again, and no surprise to see that the things which were NOT time-sensitive didn't get done...but must truly find their way onto this week's agenda. No paper heavy meetings in the immediate offing now, though, so maybe I'll feel more competent, DV


    1. I'm kind of reassured that someone else's To Do list looks as crazy as mine...

    2. Anonymous8:29 AM

      A normal week then! Will say some extra prayers.

    3. So what are you going to do after today then- I mean when you have done everything on the list today?

      :) keep sound very sane and insightful. Thanks- what you have written is again very helpful..

    4. thanks for the share

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. Anonymous4:15 PM

      Is this list getting longer?


    Since there's been a troll fol de rolling his way about the blog recently, I've had to introduce comment moderation for a while. Hope this doesn't deter genuine responses...