Thursday, June 03, 2010

Chick pics

After a 20 year wait, today we collected our trio of poultry. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome

BARBARA - who is a Bluebelle (hybrid Maran & Rhode Island Red) - the top of the pecking order, very inquisitive and friendly

MARGOT (yes, we are reliving The Goode Life) - a Black Star - who has a lovely iridescent gleam to her plumage and enjoys a quiet cuddle and....

and BRIGID, a Speckled Star (Maran cross Barred Plymouth Rock) - who despite having been sat upon by her companions all the way home from Banbury, turns out to have an independent cast of mind.

The blessed Dufflepud toiled in the noon day sun putting the eglu together, while the girls picked over what will one day be a vegetable patch...but they are now safely installed in their new home, which is allegedly both fox and rat proof. I sincerely hope this is right.

The sensible among you will be wondering how on earth I plan to find time to look after more livestock...The rest will know that 2 dogs and 2 cats seems a pathetically small menagerie after the heights we have scaled in the past (iirc, the Lower Farmhouse record was 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 rabbits, 1 guinea pig, 2 gerbils, 1 hamster and a couple of ponies)...and with all 3 children flying the nest from September, now seemed the right time to let my chickens come home to roost.

I expect time will get squeezed periodically - but the girls are a delight and I'm told they might even lay eggs too.


  1. sigh.... hopeless, quite hopeless.... (walks away, shaking her head - quite certain that she never takes on extra work when already overloaded like her friend, Kathryn!)

  2. Oh! I'm envious. Just the other day, I said to my kids, "You know, we could raise chickens here," and they looked at me like I was crazy.

    I hope you share all the details of this new venture.

  3. Gorgeous chooks, Kathryn! Good for you. And they're so little trouble. Mind you, beware of anything with Rhode Island Red in the genetic mix: they're inveterate escapologists! I hope they bring you and Mr GiP much joy - and delicious free-range eggs, too.

  4. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Yay! We have a Bluebelle, too. They're so pretty. All the best for the Eglu - they're fantastic things.

  5. oh this takes me gran raised Rhode Island Reds every summer, gorgeous they were...I don't remember them escaping but I do remember dire warnings about White Leghorns, glad not to see any of that strain in your flock!!!

  6. I adore them! I sooooooo long for a few chickens. My husband grew up with them and thinks it would be the tackiest thing EVER to have them in our suburban yard. It's one of those no-compromise things for him. :( Ah well.


Since there's been a troll fol de rolling his way about the blog recently, I've had to introduce comment moderation for a while. Hope this doesn't deter genuine responses...