time I had my eyes tested! After a lifetime of wearing
contact lenses for
then a few years when I could read fine if I took off my glasses, I'm
to realise that any day now I'll need to put ON reading
glasses...which presumably means I'll need to revert to contacts once
more. So I guess I've always been
aware that vision isn’t something to take for granted,- and I'm
sure that I often
I fail to see things clearly, or recognise them for what they
Today we celebrate a moment in Jesus’s ministry when his identity became almost literally blindingly obvious. Even though we have left the season of Epiphany behind us, today we hear about a true epiphany – a moment of recognition that changed everything.
Today we celebrate a moment in Jesus’s ministry when his identity became almost literally blindingly obvious. Even though we have left the season of Epiphany behind us, today we hear about a true epiphany – a moment of recognition that changed everything.
on the mountain, everything that Peter, James and John had begun to
suspect about their Master, became blazingly clear in the strong and
mysterious light radiating from his body and face. The disciples were
a glimpse of God’s transcendent glory on the face of Jesus... For a
brief moment, the veil which separates the invisible from the
visible, the future from the present, was
lifted, and
everything was wonderfully clear.No
room for any doubt...Jesus
They had been prepared for this by a long tradition in Jewish Scriptures. Moses had his own direct visions of shining wonder, as he encountered God on the Mountain – and the reflected radiance was such that he had to veil his own face to protect others from the glare.
They had been prepared for this by a long tradition in Jewish Scriptures. Moses had his own direct visions of shining wonder, as he encountered God on the Mountain – and the reflected radiance was such that he had to veil his own face to protect others from the glare.
another mountain
the disciples saw
Jesus emerging from
that great tradition…speaking
with Moses and Elijah, his glory outshining
them both.
Moses could lead the way to the Promised Land, but couldn't enter himself. Elijah could enter the heavens, but could take no one else with him.
Moses could lead the way to the Promised Land, but couldn't enter himself. Elijah could enter the heavens, but could take no one else with him.
something greater, someone
is here.
not only leads the way, as the pioneer of our salvation, he
is the
way that allows the rest of us to reach home –
and his presence makes this holy ground.
the disciples both rise to the occasion and fall characteristically
flat on their faces.
can't miss
what's going
on, - but their
response is way off key!
does it again, rushing
in with both feet, intent on capturing the moment. He has recognised
God here, in this
on this
day,- so if he can only build the right structure, he is sure he’ll
be able to guarantee God’s presence forever.
“Let’s build three booths….or a prayer hut….. or a Cathedral”
Wherever we have once encountered God, we want to safeguard that encounter, to pour over it like a miser turning over his gold…when really we should turn from our encounters, our faces glowing like Moses, to our own task of enlivening and enlightening the world.
Transfiguration is a beginning, a promise of what is to come, a
vision of the glory we anticipate for the whole world once Jesus'
redeeming work among us in complete. But
can spot that glory here
and now as well...if we only open our eyes. This
week I've glimpsed it as I listened to an elderly couple tell of the
care they gave to his estranged father in the final years of his
life, despite health problems of their own...In a visit to another
elderly couple, both grappelling with life-threatening illness, whose
love and delight in one another turns an ordinary little house in
Cashes Green into holy ground...and in the mutual support and
dedication of the whole of the St Matthew's School community as they
worked together through an OFSTED inspection...
might not seem remarkable things to you – but I promise you, they were,
for a moment or two, alive with the glory of God, brim full of His
love, that changes everything...
In just 3 days
Lent begins...a season to simplify our lives and refine our
take time out, to read, to pray, to deepen our relationship with
but may I challenge you, too, to walk with your eyes
and your heart open, so that you may both see and celebrate the signs
of God's glory breaking through in our world. There may be more
transfiguration around than you imagine.
Good focus for Lent. Appreciate the images and words.