Sunday, July 12, 2015

Thoughts at a Quiet Day

I need to be quiet.

Dear God, you KNOW I need to be quiet...

There's the Cathedral and the wedding;
The puppy and Canada; 
L, J, K
So many people, 
so many things crowding in.
Good things, yes, but challenges too.

If I started making a list... 


But that's not the point.

The point is now. 
This present moment.
A moment of mown grass and birdsong.
A moment of lying, living, among the dead.

And in this moment I have all I need.

The sun warms me with no effort on my part.
A buttercup, having escaped the mowers, lights up the grass at my feet.
A butterfly rests briefly on my skirt.

We are all part of one another.
Conscious or not, we exist like Dame Julian's hazelnut
Because God loves us.

We have all we need.

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