will be my witnesses
older son is half-way through his year of pupillage as a baby
barrister...It’s something he has wanted to do all his life, and
though the combination of a daily commute from Cambridge to London
with the insomniac pleasures of new fatherhood is undoubtedly
exhausting, on the whole I think he’s enjoying himself. He’s had
a few issues with papers that
arrive too late from a client’s solicitors to be admitted as
evidence, but his witnesses have been a largely co-operative bunch so I turned to him to help me understand exactly what Jesus was
asking of his friends when he told them “You will be my witnesses”
seemed kind of important, really.
see, during these days of focussed prayer as we ask “Thy kingdom
come” together with Christians all round the world, the stated hope
of the initiative is not just that we will, as individuals, families
and churches devote ourselves afresh to prayer, but
also that we will be empowered
finding new confidence to be witnesses for Jesus Christ.
will be my witnesses
a direct commission from Jesus, but the thing about witnesses, says
Giles, is that they have to have had a direct experience, they have
to have BEEN THERE. There is no value in calling a witness who has
only hear-say evidence.
need to speak of what they know.
that’s true for us as well.
need to speak of what we know.
we are to be witnesses for Jesus Christ, then we need first to have
experienced the wonder of his love for ourselves. Knowing about
is one thing….but to be witnesses, hearsay is never enough.
heart of this season…
the disciples, we have to face up to the physical absence of Jesus
from our world. When he left that little group on the slopes of
Olivet, that was it. No reappearance to tumultuous applause.
had gone...leaving his friends gazing forlornly skywards.
he left that one time and one place so that, through the power of the
Spirit, he might be present in all time and all places…With us
always, til the close of the age.
do not need to fear, then, that our testimony is invalid.
we weren’t present for those world-changing events in and around
Jerusalem 2000 years ago, but we can be witnesses nonetheless... –
because God is still active, a living presence transforming hearts,
minds, lives through the power of the Spirit.
you’re a regular worshipper, think about what first brought you to
faith – and what encourages you to return to worship, week by week.
guess is that it will have little to do with head-knowledge – the
records of others, the received wisdom of centuries…though that has
a huge part in helping us to root ourselves in the great traditions
of the Church.
of us, I imagine, will be here because we met with God – perhaps in
a precious moment when we experienced directly the touch of his love,
or perhaps when we saw it poured out in the lives of another person.
part of the paradox here.
God’s people, are not just witnesses but evidence as well.
that can be rather a problem.
we look at the world, we cannot say with confidence that humanity –
even CHRISTIANITY as it lived out day by day – is an unmistakeable
testimony to God’s power at work.
Thursday we gathered to celebrate the reign of Christ – sang
Joyously that the head that once was crowned with thorns is crowned
in glory now – but we gathered in the ruins where we had stood in
Vigil for the victims of the Manchester bomb just an hour before.
accounts in the media this week will have more to say about horror
and fear at home and abroad in Istanbul and Jakarta, Minya and
Manchester than about the visible signs of God’s kingdom of justice
and joy.
do we square that circle?
is the evidence of God’s just and gentle rule amid all the grief
and terror?
so often when we focus on the kingdom of God, we find ourselves in
the territory of “now and not yet”.
of us who spend an unhealthy amount of time online will be very
familiar with the words of one Mr Rogers, an American children’s tv
presenter from the 1950s...They have been offered as reassurance to
share with the children of today, who are struggling to make sense of
what has happened this week – and they are good, wise words.
I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would
say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are
helping. To this day, especially in times of disaster, I remember my
mother’s words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there
are still so many helpers.
is our evidence...but we are called to be part of it too.
no escaping the responsibility. Each one of us needs to proclaim the
truth of the words that we used a refrain at one point in Thursday’s
Vigil “Good is stronger than evil, love is stronger than hate,
light is stronger than darkness, life is stronger than death”.
all believe it. I’m sure we do.
we need to live so that it is clear in everything that we do and say
and are.
the only thing that can make a difference in these troubled and
troubling times.
in the kingdom means living by the kingdom’s rules, as the vestry
prayer puts it “Showing forth in our lives” those things which we
proclaim with our lips.
of and evidence for the Kingdom of God – you and me.
you know, if that fills you more with panic than with joy – you’re
in good company.
of those disciples on the hillside again.
and Bereft perhaps, but also hopeful...Jesus has made them a promise
will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you” and it is
with confidence in that promise that they pray constantly in the days
that follow
that’s where we come in, as we too are invited to pray constantly
in this “in between” season
week, the Precentor helped us to engage with just what “comfort”
might mean as we look towards Pentecost...and quoted today’s
beautiful Collect, one of the jewels of the liturgical year. I was
reminded then of a scene in the Bayeaux tapestesty, with its caption
“Bishop Odo comforts a soldier”...The comfort is being delivered
with the aid of a large club...and sometimes being encouraged to live
as evidence of God’s kingdom may feel a bit like that.
you come and follow me if I but call your name...will you go where
you don’t know and never be the same
OK to sing…music can be great at helping us to evade some of the
more demanding aspects of faith, I find….but the comforter is
coming...bringing the strength and inspiration we most need.
the Spirit can and WILL make all things new – within our lives,
within the Church, and within this broken, struggling world.
this week has left you baffled and bereft – or just plain terrified
– can I encourage you to join in this great wave of prayer that God
will act...will draw us all, one by one, into his work of
transformation and renewal.
us join with our brothers and sisters far and near to pray “Thy
Kingdom come”, so that we may be both evidence of God’s grace at
work and witnesses to God’s power to transform the world into the
likeness of God’s kingdom, that God’s name may be glorified.
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