Friday, February 16, 2007

No improvement

in the situation in Dar es Salam, where 7 Primates absented themselves from today's Eucharist.
I heard Titus 3, the second reading at Evening Prayer today, as a very telling commentary on the way things are.

"I want you to put your foot down. Take a firm stand on these matters so that those who have put their trust in God will concentrate on the essentials that are good for everyone. Stay away from mindless, pointless quarreling over genealogies and fine print in the law code. That gets you nowhere. Warn a quarrelsome person once or twice, but then be done with him. It's obvious that such a person is out of line, rebellious against God. By persisting in divisiveness he cuts himself off."
Clearly, how you read this will depend on your viewpoint, but the pertinence is undeniable.

So...I should now be sunk in gloom.

However, thanks to Mary's take on my own mis-typing, and Dave's usual brilliance, I'm giggling gently.
I wish there was some way of sending a really good laugh to those beleagured leaders. It's amazing how much better it has made me feel.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, have to say that reading through Titus over the last three evenings has been 'nuanced' (what a good ++Rowan word!)
    Wou'd want to be a Primate, eh? Thankless task!
    Go well!


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