In the interests of practicality, the children weren't invited to take off socks & shoes but rather to dip their fingers in the water & trace the cross on their palms as a silent prayer that God would use them to help someone in a special way this Easter. As I listened to their ideas about situations where they might make a difference, it was clear that they had got the idea well and truly, were doing well as they thought about the essence of service.
But for my own part, I have to say that I felt a bit like Simon Peter
When you were young, you girded yourself and walked where you wanted to go; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands and another will gird you and take you where you would rather not go (Jn 21:18).
It's so easy to agree to serve...but to be served- that's such a different matter.
During this most peculiar Lent I've learned so much about the state of dependence. It was (relatively) easy to accept (and even ask for) help from my children & a small cluster of good friends, but well nigh impossible to ask for help from the congregations. To-day is my first anniversary here & there are many good souls whom I'm happy to know, several who are well on the way to being friends, one or two whom I'd visit if I were having a bad day....but nobody whom I could envisage asking to wash my hair or do my ironing. Not yet.
I think I may have failed to grasp the potential lessons of this Lent. I did try, truly - but I think I'll be working on meaning these words for a while yet.
"pray that I may have the grace to let you be my servant too" .
During the Maundy Watch some years ago I wrestled with my reluctance to allow Christ to wash my feet.
I recognised the need to jettison such arrogant self-sufficiency, but I guess I am a slow learner.
I remember the first or second time I did the children's way of the cross here...we recap the last supper v. briefly before we set out. I offered to wash two people's little girl who was NOT in tights was agreeable, and one of my most dearly beloved among the little boys, who carefully removed shoe and sock and presented me with his little pink foot, whispering, "I DID have a shower this morning..." wonderfulness.
It's so interesting that it's often the things that Jesus did that are so hard to personally cope with. We can debate about what he said and it's meaning but when it comes to such simple things as foot washing - or for that matter the cross - somehow words stop being useful and we have to resort to surrendering. It is amazing to think that if Jesus came to my house today (physically that is) he might want to wash my feet.
The hardest thing in the world is to allow Jesus to wash your feet. But, "Unless I wash your feet, you have no part in me!"
We are closing with "Servant Song" tonight.
Thank you for sharing that, Kathryn. We are all trying to learn that lesson. And re-learn ... and ... :-)
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