Thursday, August 03, 2006

Home again to a new address

from a wonderful 3 much happened that it felt far longer and was wonderfully relaxing and purr-inducing. I'll hope to tell more later, and share the zillions of pictures, but sadly our wireless router died while we were away, so this is currently the only computer with internet access in a household of internet junkies.As a result, my time is too short for blogging.
Meanwhile, I'm moving my email to gmail so if you have my old address and haven't yet received the new one, please do email me and I'll let you know where I've gone. Old one still active for a wee while longer. Sorry for any confusion this may cause!


Unknown said...

Welcome back!
(See you soon!!!!!)

jo(e) said...

Welcome home. Hope you get that router working again soon.

Rainbow dreams said...

am pleased you had a purr fect time :-)