Cainscross may not be the prettiest place in the world, but an inch or two snow works wonders. It also has a beneficial effect on assorted random adults - including the man whom I encountered armed with a camera, just as I rounded a corner armed with one of my own.
His expression was one of pure joy and he was quick to share his delight at this unexpected time-out that we'd been granted. His parting shot
"The day I feel too old to enjoy snow, I hope they'll be burying me..."
We do not get snow here but last night found me out in the light rain playing in the puddles and mostly just watching the flying ants the the host of creatures that gorge on them. Toads, frogs, swallows and beeaters from Europe, cats, dogs, bats. In time I was joined by husband and near grown sons which deepened the pleasure.
We all felt childish and in the evening laughed and laughed. Glad that it isn't just snow that has a beneficial effect. Thank you for writing about this way of being joyous.
I love his comment! It snows rarely here, and when it does it's a big deal. You'd be a dour person indeed not to get out and play in it.
Beautiful. The snow, and the gentleman's comment.
Glad you got out and enjoyed it.
Those photos almost look like...well...Michigan.
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