I've reached that point in the holiday countdown when the list of parish things to be done before I go considered in the light of the list of other essential things to be done ( packing/junk sorting etc) gives me those telltale spots before the eyes that presage a migraine. But I don't have time for a migraine....I've got to finish all those jobs.
Which, of course, is why I'm blogging.
Is anyone else getting bored with this personality trait of mine??
There was a point this afternoon, about half way round Tesco in company with Longsuffering Clockmaker, when any casual spectator would have doubted the wisdom of our taking a short drive in a large car together, let alone spending a week in a relatively confined space. However, let us at all costs be positive :-) We HAVE to go...we've bought enough food to sustain a largeish regiment, if not an army....and the vicar is all excited about dog-sitting, bless him!
So, this time tomorrow we will have settled into the boat which will be home for a week. Narrowboating is becoming addictive in this family, as it allows the action men (L.C. and Loud Boy) to have the time of their lives with locks, windlasses and fenders, while the bookworms among us curl up in heaps and do lots of nothing very much. It's remarkably hard to get stressed about anything, when the world is going past at 4 m.p.h...I could, as the saying goes, sleep for a week right now, but that would be a shame. I'd hate to miss the holiday. See you later!
Have a wonderful time - and see you at Greenbelt.
Have a lovely holiday!
See you when you return.
Sounds delightful. Enjoy!!
A picture????
Thought I had the wrong blog for a minute ;-)
Have a fab time, and if tension redevelops between yourself and LC then remember it may be a 'narrow' boat, but it is also very 'long' - an end each for a while should do the trick ;-)
Oh, I lvoe narrrowboating, I'm very envious. You can sit still and stare and the view goes past you very slowly. I just lvoe it. Relax and enjoy xxx
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