So the iced gems and jammy dodgers that will be part of the picnic bags this afternoon can also be a birthday tea for the blog. Just wish that the many wonderful people I've met in the blogging community in the past 2 years could be there to share it. Thank you for your friendship, all of you.
One day I'll have a blogger party irl, and hug each of you in person.
I ought not to write any more today, (which probably guarantees at least one further post!) as we're off on the morrow for a week in Madeira, and I'm as far from ready as it's possible to be. Not only is today busy even by Sunday standards, but LoudBoy (who wishes, apparently, to be known henceforth as WillyNilly) returned from Scout Camp last night with all the attendant washing, and is in the throes of swapping bedrooms with TeaThaimGirl....who is also indulging in a spot of redecoration along the way. Packing? You must be joking!
In any case, I'm approaching the trip with mixed feelings, not least because TTG is staying at home, minding dogs, cats and geraniums,- the first time we've done a family holiday without the entire family...I know she'll be fine,- it's me I'm wondering about!
Anyway, if we don't speak before, I'll catch you later.
Have a great holiday - relax and enjoy :-)
Happy Blog Birthday!
And see you soonest!
Have a wonderful holiday! This might not reach you in time, but I'm sure it will get to you in spirit. We will be thinking about you at Walsingham :)
Have a wonderful holiday and SORRY if the packing has been further delayed by having to make journeys transporting reluctant/repentant people back to somewhere that isn't Gloucestershire.
Have a fab holiday!
PS are you sure LoudBoy has really thought that new nickname through well enough? Or maybe playgrounds are more genteel down your way ;-)
Have a lovely holiday :)
Happy Blog-day! And have a great holiday.
Happy Blogiversary!
Bonne vacance!
liz, in the lovely K's absence may i take this opportunity to reassure you that the person formerly known as loudboy thought through his new nickname long and hard (oooer) over a chicken in the basket, chips and ginger beer in a pub garden conversation one sunny day last month when i met up with them. He was quite set on the idea and raised not a single objection. poor, sweet innocent child....
If I hadn't gotten so busy with my own version of sack lunches I'd have realized sooner the importance of the day.
Happy Belated Blog Day.
Sorry for coming late to the party (for a change!) but happy blogiversary!
And I hope when you get back you've had a fantabulous holiday :)
Looks like I'll have to be the representative lurker again! Happy Anniversary Kathryn and thank you for another year of inspirational and entertaining blogging.
(Btw Im no longer housebound, and now - thanks to reading blogs - part of an alternative worship team)
Happy Blog Birthday!
happy happy birthday
Happy happy!
I'm so glad you are in our lives -- even if this medium is not exactly the best, it can be very fulfilling.
Blessings on you!
hope you didn't get caught up in the travel fuss - my oh my - it doesn't bear thinking about does it?
Happy Blog Birthday Kathryn!!
Belated thanks for all the good wishes, both for blog and holiday. On the whole, I'm relieved that the latter is over for another year,- the former will continue it's usual bumpy course for the forseeable future,- it's so lovely (and intermittently amazing!) that people actually read and comment,- I do appreciate your being there.
Amanda,- so glad that things are better for you. Hope the alt.worship team provides inspiration and refreshement.
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