Here what is usually a solitary activity becomes an exercise in crowded corporate choreography, as people negotiate the space, stepping aside to facilitate the journey of others. After a friend commented on this the whole experience of walking together became a major focus of my own walk late on Sunday night.
We travel together, alone.
Our paths close but not identical
though we make for the same destination,
proceeding laboriously, in weary choreography
Towards the place of Gift.
But there is room for all.
No need to resent or thwart
The fellow- walkers who surround me.
Their journeys match my own
My journey mirrors theirs
And all alike are welcome.
The step by step approach disturbs me.
Will I ever reach the end?
But You are there before, beside, within
My Way, my Truth, my Life.
The twists and turns along the way
Come only from resistent self's
Deferred arrival at the place I know
The place I truly long to be
The place of Gift, of Love, of You.
Apparently today is Blog Day - I hope you don't mind that I've linked to you.
Hi sorry not to meet up over Greenbelt- as you will see from the blog I had a good time - but am now email less - hence using comments
Oh oh oh I love Labarynths. The best one I ever did was at the Mirfield Centre of the Resurrection, in one of their side chapels, in complete silence. Ailsa and I did it at the same time, and afterwards had a really long talk about life, love, the universe.
I'd never done a Labyrinth that didn't have stations along the way, so it was new to me. It really felt like a dance, weaving between people, being aware of physical being with every slow step. I think I took about an hour to do it, and felt real, deep peace at the centre of it - I've not felt that in a long time.
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