Just a week ago, the Curate's household discovered just how excellent blog friendships can be, when the
Songbirds arrived here.Since their only other destinations in the UK were the Edinburgh Fringe (the main goal of their trip), and the seething metropolis of London itself we felt hugely honoured...but more important, we had a wonderful time! Everyone fitted together just perfectly...LCM and Pure Luck indulged in impassioned political discussion without any blood loss, the assorted teens discovered that they had many musical tastes in common, the Princess was a hit with all concerned - perhaps most of all with the dreadful Dillon, who basked in her attention and at last found an audience for his performances of "I'm such a sweet dog really". As for the two revgals,- we were so comfortable together, it seems very hard to believe we've not been dropping in for coffee with each other for several years. Lots to talk about. Lots of laughter. Lots of grounds to lament the width of the Atlantic.
We were all agreed. Somehow, we will
have to do it again before too long...even if I have to take in washing to fund the air fares!

Incidentally, in case you were wondering, the objects of our attention in the official blogger photo above were butterflies - the inhabitants of the rather charming
Butterfly House at
Berkley Castle. The contrast of extreme antiquity in the castle itself with these delightful symbols of ephemera made for a good day's entertainment- specially when the rounded off with honey and ginger ice-cream in the rain! An authentic British experience!
It was such a lovely visit. We are still talking it over daily! Love you all!!
Oh, I am jealous of the Songbirds ....
tweet tweet, uh when is the next meetup in England?
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