Teathaim Girl is safely home.
As I type, I can hear her giggling with her brother on the landing.
It is so good to have her safely back....thank you, all who've been praying, making me laugh, keeping me from biting my nails to the quick...I imagine (she says, hopefully) that this first long separation will be the hardest. And we've survived.
That loud humming noise isnt a fault with your computer. Tis the Curate purring!
Oh, happy day!
it seemed to go fast, but maybe not for you.
We're not quite there yet ... TS is 16 ... but in three years! Can parents ever be ready for this??? I wonder!
Lahvely to see a picture of her, it really is. Glad she's safely back with you now :)
Cheers and thanksgiving from here! Can't tell whether separations will get easier but at least during the next one she won't be so far away. Any chance of borrowing former Loud Boy to do some bedroom cleaning here?
Excellent news, am pleased she's home safely :-)
I went off round Africa when I was 19, then lived in Taiwan when I was 20, then went to China at 22 ended up in HK and didn't move back again for 6 years.
In the selfishness of youth I blindly and blithely went off on all these periods abroad without really considering the impact it would have on my family - and we're a close family. Reading your posts here has really given me some understanding of what they must have been going through when I was off enjoying myself. Thank you so much.
Glad she's safely home!
:D Well done both of you!!!
Wonderful! You win the prize.
As you know, in my professional life I send college students away for various periods and make their innumerable parents insane during those times. I always have the greatest, greatest sympathy for them...I think the amount of fun had by the traveller is directly proportionate to the loving WORRY had by the moms & dads and other parental persons.
I missed this post but was reminded of your daughter's absence the other day. Glad she's home safe and sound.
I'm miss my daughter and she only went away Friday - due home today - but she is only 14.
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