Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I should have known...

In the second week of Advent, if things seem to be running smoothly it's only because something is about to go wrong.
Thus when I got in this afternoon I decided to do a bit of filing and sorting, to clear the way for the great Carol Service extravaganza that is about to begin.
I hurled some papers indiscriminately onto the floor (while they remain as a pile on my desk it's easier to ignore them, and I felt that their time had come) and began to sort...File...Recycle....Action needed
I paused to add that last bit of paper to the "action needed" tray and then realised to my amazement and alarm that it was quite QUITE empty.
For some of my colleagues that might simply have meant that they were laudably up to date - for me, I knew it meant that a whole wodge of papers had without a by your leave gone walkabout.
What could I do but dump all sorts of other papers with the first installment on the floor, so that I could wade through them comprehensively to establish that the "Actions" papers really had vanished.
Of course, if I could remember what was there it would be a little less worrying - though I suppose I was bound to have to find out at some point whether the filing system so beautifully outlined by wonderous Dave Walker was actually workable.
I'm still struggling, though there is rather more floor visible now than a couple of hours ago...
Meanwhile, the Dufflepud failed to connect with his lift to Explorers (the lift turned up at the vicarage - heaven knows where Dufflepud thought they were due to meet, as he had his phone turned off) necessitating a quick defrost of Baby Car (Hugger Steward has borrowed mine- and Baby Car had not been used for 2 weeks, no joke at his age - but decided to oblige anway) and a hopeful drive in the general direction of where we believed the Explorer group were holding their Christmas Party.
More by luck than judgement we found the spot, - I left him to his junkettings and returned home - to find that in my absence my monitor had apparently been knifed - and now bears what look very much like streaks of blood, running vertically from top to bottom pretty much across the middle of the screen.
My plans for the day off on Friday in no way included hunting cheap flat screen monitors, but there may have to be a rethink as I can't function with a screen like this for any length of time...
So, what was mayhem in teh study is now mayhem, pillage and carnage - and I can't work out who or what is to blame. For once the dogs must be innocent, and I don't actually think it's my fault either (note this, ladies and gentlemen)
Colonel Mustard?


Michelle said...

It's the same person who hid my papers in my study this morning and turned my keyboard into a useless lump of plastic and metal!! The culprit is clearly wandering through the space time continuum from one side of the pond to the other.

If I weren't so tired, I could figure out the quantum mechanical improbablity of all this...

I love the cartoon...I do...I just wish it wasn't so iconic for my life! Sort, stack, repeat.

May all be well...

Crimson Rambler said...

I do love Dave Walker!

Puddletown Benefice said...

Oh Kathryn, you are a star! You've managed to make me laugh at my incompetence.I feel so much better about the pile on my floor. Hopefully the script for the next crib service is at the bottom of it somewhere because I can't find it in the computer. Aaaagh!

Annie's Mom said...

This comic is WONDERFUL!!!

DogBlogger said...

I think is was Professor Plum.

Jonathan Hunt said...

The Christmas Monitor Murderer strikes again.

Great cartoon, so, so, sooo true!


Cal said...

Oh dear - you are me (or am I you) right down to the piles of paper on the floor and the damaged screen. So sorry.

theMuddledMarketPlace said...

..right now we can't open our filing cabinate TO file anything.

.....there's a heap of papers in front of it!

Sarah S-D said...

oh, i so relate to that comic... so.