Name 5 things you do when you should be doing something else.
- Well, clearly blogging itself is an essential, so it’s only right and proper that it should take priority over any other lesser task, such as preparing supper, or a sermon or making that difficult phonecall or…….If you are sufficiently misguided to insist that blogging is not, in fact, the reason that the sun rises in the morning, then perhaps that might just qualify…And with it blog-reading, blog-planning, checking emails, surfing generally, chatting via google or at rlp's, checking emails again (Surely someone must have mailed me in the past 2 minutes while I’ve been gazing out of the window) playing addictive little online games that involve bursting bubbles or dropping marbles, checking emails, blogging some more..and then seeing what telegrams I can build using the letters from the word verification whatsit..but I still don’t think you should really count it as procrastination. It's too important. Honestly.
- Then there’s reading… that teetering pile of theology books that has adorned my desk for weeks now, last month's Church Times from the loo, the latest bargain from the “speakeasy bookshop” (TeenWonder’s name for a strange little paperback exchange in town, which never seems to do enough business to stay open, (so must be a front for something…hence the title) the Cornflakes packet, anything you like as long as its not related in any way to Sunday’s Lectionary
And I can’t possibly think straight while the desk and indeed the study looks like this…so I’ll tidy it. Not clean, no…because once I’ve got out the hoover that implies a degree of commitment to the task that is utterly foreign…but tidying can be as partial as I fancy. You do know that Schubert never had any intention of finishing that symphony, don't you?
- And once I’m at the sink I can always put the kettle on…coffee anyone?
- Then I’ll drift past the piano and tinker around with the keys before returning to the serious centre for procrastination in the studyYou see, procrastination is not a numbers game, it's an art form, a way of life...Goodness, is that the time? And I've really not started sorting myself out for Sunday....
checking for blog comments....
black coffee please. and a red geranium
Me too. Especially the first paragraph. And now two more games to play when I could be doing something else, uh-oh. Recently I've been working through online Sudokos. I find places that only offer one per day, so I can't spend too many hours at them, but they become compulsive to play EVERY day in case I miss one. And so many blogs to read... so much email, so many forums... sigh
Yes, coffee, definitely. No cream? I'll run to the store...
Oh, Kathryn, your desk looks just like mine! There are strata on my desktop that haven't seen the light of day in months.
Ksthryn, how could you? I thought you were my friend! Just when I was recovering from my addictive to RealArcade's Pile Up (to which, fortunately for you, I can't insert a link) you lure me to that infernal marbles game......
It's a beautifully written post though... and so horribly, horribly true!
Oh I am with you. Sat up in bed and checked blogs and e-mails at midnight last night..then logged on again this morning hoping for new blogs and e-mails...during the night??????? I do sudoku's, code word cross words, check blogs again, then check for comments five minutes after I have posted one.....and yes, my whole house looks like your desk!!!! Is there no hope for us????
note - is it all females who have responded to this blog?? I wonder why......
Can I just say, "ditto" to all the above! (Well except Sudoko - I've never managed to master those!)
Noone ever warned me how addictive blogging could be as it competes for space amongst the games and forums and phone calls - work slides even lower on the list :-) Must check out those links for when I'm at a loose end - just off to the cinema now ........
I'm as good at procrastinating as the next (wo)man, but I've found another compelling experience over the past few weeks, an complete new world simulation to develop and explore - hence not checking on blogs every hour, but every few days...
Good post. I remain far too tied to my computer, just not doing the "work" things...
And now I must go and do Tea Time Worship! NOw... honestly... yes...I'll be off then, just after....
I'd like some tea please. and scones :)
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